Sunday, December 23, 2018

Old Post Station Towns on Inaba Kaido Rute extra: Itaibara Hamlet, Tottori

I got interested in a spot on the guide board in Chizu. I didn't have any information about it, but I felt something by instinct. The weather was getting worse, but I dared to go there.

Itaibara Hamlet is very small and isolated in the mountains. Acording to local legend, they are relative with Heike Ochūdo, which was ancient samurai Taira Family ruined by Minamoto Clans. That prosess was told in famous "the Tale of the Heike(Heike Monogatari)".

After driving through path, I had to walk for a while in a drizzle. There were dotted snow on the ground, I was feeling uneasiness on the way.

It is said, there are 100 families living there, but it seemed few people living there. I saw workers cleaned another recently vacant house. Perhaps aged family had gone there.

This is a former sericurature house, is a cafe for tourists now. this building is a typical early Showa stile. It looks like a film set. There are dotted snow on the ground as you see.

This hamlet is just starting to repair and preservation in this seral years. It is known as good site as autumn tint.

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