Shin-Nagata has an unique history, it is adhered to Margo Market, so I will describe it next time. I'm telling simply this area was destroyed two times with air-raid in WW2 and Great Hanshin Earthquake. The locals helped each other and recontructed their home town every time.
This is a Tetsujin 28-go, as known as Gigantor, it is a monumet of revive after the earthquake disaster.
Honestly I felt very strange when it had been completed at that time, but I think it matches this town now. Maybe it would be not enough if it had been the Phenix by Osamu Tedzuka or Godzilla. Iron, robust and humor are suitable for Shin-Nagata.
There are many arcades around Shin-Nagata, they are neat in some places, rustic in other places. People are lively and the air smell nice everywhere. I got very hungry! Shin-Nagata is known as old style Okonomiyaki and various local foods. I took Okonomiyaki and Soba-meshi for lunch. Yum-yum.
I found a Vietnumiese diner. It seems to have a commercial spirit : ) There are tons of Vietnumise restaurants in Sannomiya Area, but it is rare on this area. BTW I remember I troubled there were no diners in the ruin of Sannomiya right after the earthquake, I found Spanish and Vietnamiese restaurants barely. I was grateful to them. They have guts!