Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Plum Garden in Nakayama Temple, Takaradzuka City, Hyogo, Japan

 Nakayama Temple in Takaradzuka is well known as devotion to safe childbirth since ancient times.
Many pregnant women and their families come a long way, my mother, grandmother and great-grandmother did, too. There are always visitors one after another, especially massive visitors thronged there on ceremonial days "Inu-no-hi"(dog day in chinese zodiac).
However, my purpose is not doevotion to easy birth, but looking plum blossoms there this time. The plum garden in Nakayama Temple is well known, too.

  There are 1k apricot trees on the temple. Each tree and is maintained very well. Of course garden, too. I couldn't find any over grown apricots nor gabage.

 The another future is gorgeous buidings. They can be seen through the year differently plum blossoms. hehe...


  1. Once again your photos have mesmerised me. Incredible level of detail and beautiful colours. The apricot trees with the wonderful blossoms will always be the image for Spring in Japan for me. Thank you very much for sharing your photos here, Macho!
    Nazif JT

    1. Thank you and I'm sorry to delay response, I had been down with a bad cold since last week. Perhaps I had already caught the virus when I took those photos, because I couldn't concentrate shooting photos as well as usual. I thought there were too many people or I was confused with spring blue sky. Maybe the air of Takarazuka was polluted a bit for my pure lungs. hehe...

  2. I am sorry to hear that you have not been feeling well. I did wonder why you were silent in Instagram too. Please follow all your doctor's instructions and keep indoors. Until the time when you feel much better, stay home. Don't worry about what is happening out there. Do take care of your pure lungs, my friend.. hehe...
